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Strive to Thrive
By: Liza Boubari

Strive to Thrive.


Statistics show one trillion dollars in annual productivity is lost due to depression and anxiety.

More than 69% will suffer in silence and suppress what they feel, only not to be labeled weak. What experts fear the most is how many will lose their ability to cope with today's anxiety and stress.

Feeling overwhelmed, the anxiety that you experience to accomplish specific tasks related to your job can be made worse due to isolation, less social support, lack of security, and financial burdens. Anxiety and depression associated with COVID-19 peaked in April, where 40 percent of the population reported feeling anxious, and more than 25 percent said they felt depressed. This was caused by fear, uncertainty, and the unknown.  Here are three ways to help reduce your anxiety and thrive. 

A new set of PPP to consider  Punish - Protect – Prosper

Punish:  Do you go into self-destructive thoughts and behaviors? These self-destructive tendencies can form as a coping mechanism for stress, boredom, worry, negative emotions, overuse of alcohol, binge eating, drugs, self-harm, isolation, or video gaming.

Share your thoughts and feelings:  What if only for today, you could begin to honor yourself and share your feelings with someone or find a professional to discuss with? Chances are they too can relate. Anxiety grows in isolation, and by reaching out, you can stop it in its tracks.

Protect:  This mode uses your defense mechanisms. These mechanisms are unconscious responses that protect you from feelings of threats to self-esteem, and things that you don't want to think about or deal with – such as being "in denial" or "irrational."


Simply trying to ignore or avoid your stress is not an effective coping strategy. Although avoiding the problem can feel good at the moment, the stressor will eventually come back with added intensity. Society encourages us to put on a mask and pretend, but many, even you, may be hurting deeply inside because of this. Refusing to acknowledge emotions to appear strong or appease others will only backfire and lead to a later breakdown.

Get clear:  Become clear on what you really want to accomplish and to manifest. This will be the place where you write your wants, needs, big dreams, and affirmations. Make notes about the process, collect uplifting quotes to uplift your mood, and keep track of the things you accomplish.  Find time to play~

Prosper:  Prosperity consciousness is based on the idea that your thoughts create the reality you see and experience on a daily basis. It is only in accepting the reality that you can find ways to remove barriers and begin to thrive.


A good place to start is to find support with a friend or a colleague to hold one another accountable. Reduce work overload, take cautionary steps for your health and safety, and cut some slack from doing things perfectly.

Breath work and meditation:  Just as anxiety interferes with your ability to think, it also interferes with our ability to regulate your bodily functions. By taking time to relax your posture and take slow, deep breaths, you normalize your heart rate and blood pressure.


Through meditation or self-hypnosis, you can calm your mind, heartbeat, reconnect in mind and body, and feel clear long enough to help you solve problems and otherwise cope with your stressors.

Think of all the possible excellent outcomes you are making, even learning about yourself. Your life and relationships thrive when you stop self-punishment and protection. With a calmer outlook, you are about to make better decisions and create a more successful outcome. I wish you peace, within yourself, within your family, within the world.  Using these sets of tools, you can transform your life on all levels, attract a bounty of abundance and prosper.

Liza Boubari – Founder of HealWithin

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Stress Management and Domestic Abuse Consultant-Anger Management Counselor

