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Who Do You Trust? Is the Worst behind us or is it still to come?
By: John Krikorian

It’s Your Choice: California is on the brink of bankruptcy! The United States government, numerous state governments, and many of our cities are nearing bankruptcy.  Our own state government is dysfunctional and it seems as if Washington, D.C. is no better off.  We are in a midst of a leadership vacuum.  Rasmussen Report notes that 60% in California say we would be better off if most incumbents in State Legislature are defeated.  California certainly should not be looking to fill vacancies with individuals that are socialist and progressive in their thinking, less qualified or do not have the ability for strong leadership, vision, character and consensus building skills.

 California certainly does not want more of the same.  What we are seeing in places from Sacramento to Washington, D.C. is a “bullying spirit” and it is becoming ever more pervasive, as we see in the progressive actions by President Obama and Majority Leaders Reid and Pelosi. In Healthcare Reform and in the push for greater federal government control, Ramussen Reports that 55% of Americans favor repealing the legislation. The Healthcare Plan expands Medicaid, cuts Medicare and adds billions of dollars in new taxes and mandates. The present administration is not only exploding the number of civilian employees, it is increasing federal and state worker’s compensations to obscene levels.  All this when private corporations are reducing staff, compensation and benefits. Hard decisions have to be made with compassion by strong leadership and not be driven by unions and private interest.

It will soon be time to cast our votes for those that will lead us to recovery instead of bankruptcy.  It will be your vote, which will lead us from an anti-business legislative agenda to one that is tuned to the American spirit of Entrepreneurship.  Can you imagine that we have in our region, groups such as Acorn and those who brainwash our youth in Progressive Politics, and who challenge capitalism and the free-market.  Is it their goal to make our Declaration of Independence obsolete along with our Constitution?

Who when elected, will be an advocate for seniors, the middle class, small business, our economy and jobs, that help to bring in revenue to offset budget declines? California is facing a jobs crisis with near 13% unemployment rate and more than 2.l3 million people out of work. How can one have the ability offset the lost of 370,000 Jobs to China trade, and move California from being among the worst in the nation in lawsuits. “California needs more jobs, not more lawsuits,” said Lisa A. Richard, president of U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. Who will have the strength to build consensus to make regulations more rational and curb frivolous lawsuit abuse?  Will your vote send someone to Sacramento to take a leadership position or one that will walk lock step with the previous holder of this seat.  One that voted more than 13 times “not in accord” with the California Chamber and National Federation of Small Business.  A complete record can be viewed by visiting and ,

There is talk of an upcoming devastating economic bubble that is on the verge of bursting before the end of the year. Government jobs are increasing at a rapid rate, while private industry is reducing its workforce and small businesses are going “out of business.”  Small businesses are our most reliable job creators and they are vital to our economic recovery. They need the tools to grow, create jobs and help lead America back toward prosperity.

Have you asked yourself where does the money come from to meet payroll and expenses of our cities, state and federal government, now add in the cost (debt) of the healthcare initiative?  What revenue do the bureaucrats produce, besides increasing taxes, utility rates, various fees and other barriers making it difficult to do business?  Financial meltdowns, depressions, and layoffs affect corporations – and small businesses.  Job losses and home foreclosures are bad things, we do not want to see our friends and their families suffer. Why should government jobs, pay, benefits are considered untouchable, while corporations eliminate waste, reduce salaries and reduce or cap benefits?  This has been a time of unbelievable government job growth.  Is it a double standard when we see greed in the bonuses of major corporation payouts and say nothing about the uncontrolled CalPERS payouts? 

We are close to one of the most economically challenging decades of the past 40 years; we are now facing the uncertainties and challenges of a newly started decade. The high levels of both public and private debt will be impacting bank lending and consumption at all levels. At the same time State Controller John Chiang unveiled a new actuarial report that shows California faces a $51.8 billion bill to pay for health and dental benefits for state retirees (pensions).  He further notes that unfunded obligations as of June 30, 2009, grew an additional $3.9 billion from the $48.2 billion obligation identified in the prior year. Furthermore the 2008 figure was lower than expected primarily because the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) used surplus funds to reduce that year’s increase in health care premium costs rates for the CalPERS self-funded plan. 

As the recession deepens, businesses, both large and especially small are scrambling to adapt and survive.  Some are in serious trouble and looking for a lifeline.  Others in better shape are searching for smart ways to take advantage of soft markets or weakened competitors.  From either perspective, these are times that test a company’s resilience and savvy.  Those who make smart decisions now may be able to survive – and may even come out ahead. The same can be said for our country, state and cities.

